RMA Form

Reseller RMA Form

Contact Information

Ship to Address
Ship to Address
Street Address 1
Street Address 2
Re-enter Email Address

Product Model Information

Dead on Arrival?
How to find your serial number: (opens in new window)
Quadro Serial Number
Mobile Workstation Serial Number
GeForce Serial Number

FA Required?

Maximum file size: 3MB


For Windows:
** Download ExternSwak.zip, unzip it to a folder of your choice and run the containing ExternSwak.exe as admin. It will give you a dialogue box to save as... just name the file and email it. Does not apply for SSD, USB, or SD/uSD.
For Linux:
* copy of an nvidia-bug-report.log.gz file, which can be generated with the `nvidia-bug-report.sh` script shipped with the NVIDIA Linux/FreeBSD graphics drivers and installed in your PATH; the log file will be placed in the current working directory. (Use File Upload option below).